My approach to infidelity is non-judgmental, compassionate, and radically different from most other professionals' approaches.
A lot of the “advice” out there for people who are engaging in infidelity is total horseshit. Well-intentioned horseshit, perhaps, but horseshit all the same.
If you’re engaging in anything that you think counts as infidelity, you need guidance and support that respects the fullness of your humanity, and the complexity of your situation. You don’t need a professional with a weird agenda to throw a bunch of thinly – or not-so-thinly – veiled judgment at you.
That’s where I come in. I’m not going to shove a bunch of prescriptive advice down your throat or tell you what you should do or have to do. I’m going to help you figure out what you want, and what you want to do about it. And then I’m going to help you make the changes you want to make, so that you can have a love life/sex life/romantic life that you feel great about.
The coaching I provide is wise, irreverent, systematic yet non-dogmatic, and highly specific to your individual needs.
My work as a coach is informed by many aspects of my professional (and personal) experiences, such as...

I’m trained and certified as a life coach, for one thing. My training as a coach comes from the Life Coach School, and Martha Beck’s Wayfinder life coach training.
I have a Ph.D. in the sociology of sexuality from the University of California, San Diego. For years I researched and taught about many things related to sex, sexuality, love, romantic relationships, and family life. My bachelor’s degree is in sociology and human sexuality studies from San Francisco State University.
I’m a certified holistic health practitioner and yoga teacher. Once upon a time, I had a bodywork-yoga therapy-spiritual counseling practice, and after I closed up that shop, I continued to teach yoga and meditation for another ten years. My training and work in these realms gave me countless insights into the human experience – and how we can deal with the many challenges associated with being human.
I volunteered as a peer sexual health/HIV prevention educator when I was in high school and college. From a rather early age, I learned how to talk about matters that many people found embarrassing or taboo in a non-judgmental, open manner. These early experiences as a sexual health educator showed me how ESSENTIAL it is to create opportunities for frank, compassionate discussions about sex and love and relationships.
And of course... my work is also informed by my own human experiences. My love life is pretty simple and peaceful now, but that wasn’t always the case. My own sexual and romantic (mis)adventures contribute to my insight into – and empathy for – other people’s experiences.
Ready to work with me one-on-one?
Ready to have access to my most powerful teachings and helpful assignments?
Purchase My Self-Guided Course Here
“I’d been a serial cheater for years, and had gotten to the point where I thought I was beyond help – even though I desperately wanted to change. Marie’s approach helped me make changes in my long-established patterns that I didn’t think were possible. I have an entirely different relationship with myself AND my partner now, and I no longer fear that I’ll cheat again.”
– A.Y.

Want to know more about me?
I’m proud to be a returned Peace Corps Volunteer! I served in Zambia from 2000 – 2003.
I’m the delighted doggie parent of TWO West Highland White Terriers, Julius and Lakshmi. They are my second and third Westies, which means I am officially a crazy Westie person, and I couldn’t be happier about this.
I am fanatically passionate about certain condiments. V Smiley’s spicy tomato jam is a treasure. I will never get tired of Ronda’s Romesco sauce. Siete used to make an AWESOME habanero sauce but discontinued it, and I’m still mad about it even though they do make this habanero botana sauce now. And of course, Nali is the stuff of the gods. I deeply love Casablanca Market Harissa and Les Moulins Mahjoub Harissa, for different reasons and in different ways.
I do not and will not eat mayonnaise.
I’m not big on regret but I’ll probably always be a little sad that my parents deemed me too young to attend the very first Lollapalooza back in 1991.
If you want to learn more about me, you can read this interview, or check out this, this, or this episode of my podcast.