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What Clients Have to Say About Working with Marie.


"For the first time, I felt free to dream without constraints, and astonishingly, that dream materialized within a year."

"Before I took the leap to work with Dr. Murphy, I was engulfed in uncertainty and fear. I questioned whether her approach was the lifeline I needed. Financially, it was a significant stretch, adding another layer of hesitation. But from our first interaction, Dr. Murphy’s genuine, non-judgmental listening and systematic approach dismantled my doubts and fears.  

Dr. Murphy’s ability to disentangle my thoughts and emotions was nothing short of miraculous. By meticulously deconstructing my circumstances, thoughts, feelings, and actions, she illuminated the path out of my repetitive and destructive cycles. This clarity was life-changing, but the most transformative moment came when she assigned me the task of envisioning a future state free from my current limitations. For the first time, I felt free to dream without constraints, and astonishingly, that dream materialized within a year.

The changes in my life have been profound and deeply felt. Tangibly, I transformed my relationships in ways I had never thought possible. I moved from a state of constant rumination and stagnation to one where my relationships with my ex-wife, daughter, and girlfriend flourished. Intangibly, Dr. Murphy’s guidance continues to echo in my daily life, three years later, her voice a constant source of wisdom and strength.

Dr. Murphy’s approach was a beacon in a sea of inadequate solutions. Unlike other coaches, who often imposed religious perspectives or were fixated on saving the marriage at all costs, Dr. Murphy’s agnostic approach focused first on helping me discover what I truly wanted. Only then did she guide me to take concrete, accountable actions to achieve those desires.  

Trust and confidence in Dr. Murphy grew from her unwavering integrity, demonstrated ability, and benevolence. She blended empathy with no-nonsense, evidence-based processes, applying her structured model with a flexibility that felt deeply personal and uniquely tailored to my journey.

A heartfelt gesture that reinforced our connection was the welcome card and books she sent upon my enrollment. These small yet significant acts of kindness exemplified her commitment to my growth and healing. I still keep those books by my nightstand, constant reminders of the journey we embarked on together.

Today, I am living a reality I once thought was unattainable. My life and relationships have undergone a profound transformation, and I continue to evolve, guided by the principles and wisdom I gained from Dr. Murphy.

To anyone feeling trapped in the turmoil of infidelity, I cannot recommend Dr. Murphy strongly enough. Her unparalleled expertise and compassionate approach can provide the clarity and support needed to navigate through the darkest times. Listen to her podcast, engage with her coaching, and experience the life-altering impact she can bring."

– J.A

"Working with her is the most useful investment you can make to define and move towards your most authentic life. "

"Ten coaching sessions with Marie likely saved me five to ten years of rumination and turmoil. Working with her is the most useful investment you can make to define and move towards your most authentic life.

Each coaching session yielded useful new perspectives on habitual thinking.  New modes of thinking aided in breaking the hamster wheel of indecision, which led to taking definitive steps, followed by then allowing the torrent of emotion without perpetually catastrophizing – and this was the way out of the turmoil associated with my infidelity situation. The most enjoyable part of coaching was those profound "aha!” moments when I found new freedom by realizing that old thought patterns were not as true as they seemed to be.

Ultimately, I changed my relationship with my ability to make decisions for MY life. I decided to stay with my husband (after I had an affair) and be brutally real about who I am and what I need. We have found truer happiness together than we’ve ever experienced before. Having a coach with whom I could process my infidelity situation in safety was priceless." – B.C.

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"I felt I could tell her anything and still be a good person in her eyes. When she says “No judgement”, it is true."

"After the abrupt and painful end of an affair I signed up for coaching with Marie. I found her podcast while desperately seeking for someone to help me make a way forward. She was perfect for the job.  I immediately liked her professional, business-like approach to our arrangement for Zoom meetings.

She did not come across as aloof or impersonal, but remained focused and understanding. I felt I could tell her anything and still be a good person in her eyes. When she says “No judgement”, it is true.  I was not able to resolve every dilemma in my life, but I am far better equipped now that I have the tools Marie taught me.  If you are struggling in or coming out of an affair that you never imagined you would be in, there is help here." 

– D.F.F.

It is incredibly freeing to be able to share the details of a very complicated double life with someone with whom you can be completely uninhibited and do so safely.

"I found Marie’s coaching to be incredibly approachable, pragmatic and real. No buzzwords, no bullshit. I felt like I was interacting with an actual human despite being countries apart.  I appreciated Marie’s ability to direct my attention to the core of what was happening in my life - and that she did so with compassion and humour. 

When you take to the infidelity landscape on the internet - which is of course really the only place one has to go aside from your affair partner - you find an array of perspectives. I resonated with Marie’s in particular. I did not feel judged or that I was somehow "bad" or that I had offended any deity in which one may believe spiritually. Through Marie’s lens I felt a person doing the best that I could with what I knew at the time.

It is incredibly freeing to be able to share the details of a very complicated double life with someone with whom you can be completely uninhibited and do so safely. You also get the benefit of being able to talk to a third party who is unbiased, educated, experienced - as opposed to regurgitating and ruminating on the same thoughts and emotions in your own head or with your affair partner. It's like having a shepherd to guide you through the process of dealing with your affair… and within the process, you begin to realize that in fact you are the shepherd."

– B.R.

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"Marie’s unique perspective on infidelity was quite literally what helped me work through my heavy emotions and allowed me to show up as a healthier version of myself."

"The thing I appreciated the most about Marie’s coaching was her ability to listen without judgment. I found Marie at a time in my life where I was so consumed by guilt and shame that I was having daily panic attacks and severe depression and anxiety. Having a safe space to talk about what happened and to be truly heard was quite literally life-saving. Once I was able to share what had happened, Marie helped guide me through processing those heavy emotions and evaluate how I was showing up in my relationship.

Oftentimes, it feels like the person who had the affair is expected to continue to experience shame and guilt in their relationship, should they stay. My partner and I decided to stay together and Marie’s approach allowed me to evaluate my actions in a constructive, non-judgmental way to determine how I could grow in my marriage and move forward with my significant other in a way that would be healthy for both of us. 

Marie’s unique perspective on infidelity was quite literally what helped me work through my heavy emotions and allowed me to show up as a healthier version of myself in my marriage.  At the time, I felt so unworthy of love given the choice I had made. In our society, people who have affairs are often viewed as unworthy of love, selfish, terrible people.  It is often encouraged that their partner leave them. Marie’s approach and perspective allowed me to deconstruct my views on societal expectations/beliefs and move forward in a healthy way.  I realized that I held the key to my own happiness and that I was empowered to grow from my experience. 

Overall, working with Marie was absolutely life-changing for me! It allowed me to grow in ways I didn’t think possible and got me through arguably one of the darkest moments in my personal and married life."


"I really enjoyed how open-minded she is - she didn't view things as 'good or bad,' and it wasn't a case of her telling me that I have done something bad."

"Marie was an open-minded, non-judgmental coach who had no preconceived ideas of what the outcome of my affair should be. She didn’t force an agenda on me, or try to force me to fit into societal norms.

Her focus was on letting me work out what I wanted out of the situation and making my decision consciously (whatever that decision might be) which helped me take ownership of what was happening, and not perpetuate a victim mentality.

I really enjoyed how open-minded she is - she didn't view things as 'good or bad,' and it wasn't a case of her telling me that I have done something bad and ‘you can never break up a marriage as it is a sanctuary.’ I felt that she created a safe space where I was able to be completely honest with no fear of judgment which allowed me to vocalise and therefore acknowledge things that I was probably avoiding."

– Z.Y.

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"She helped me dismantle my own value judgments around infidelity, and helped me process all of the emotions that I was having."

"Talking with Marie was always a joy, even when our coaching conversations covered topics I found difficult to contend with. She was always lively and upbeat, and the tools and resources she shared with me were very helpful. She helped me dismantle my own value judgments around infidelity, and helped me process all of the emotions that I was having about participating in what could be considered infidelity.

Throughout the course of our work together, I questioned a lot of social constructs about what marriages, relationships, and friendships should and shouldn’t be, and this helped me draw conclusions about what I wanted to do about my infidelity. Reconciling what felt right for me vs. what I thought society expected of me helped me come to terms with a relationship that I value tremendously… even if society might frown upon it."

– P.K.

"The best thing that people can have available is non-judgmental help."

"Working with Marie was incredible. She talks about your situation in terms that do not make you feel judged or ashamed. She treats you like a human who needs help. Infidelity is so stigmatized, which is why no one ever wants to talk about it, but it happens and when it does, the best thing that people can have available is non-judgmental help.

Most people who find themselves in this situation are not bad people, they are simply humans looking for something they can't seem to find where they are. Marie's work changes lives in ways that are profound, but not shared because of the stigma around this issue. That should end and people should understand that good people end up in these situations, and all they need is an ear to hear them without judgment or shame. No one would recommend that someone go out and cheat on a significant other, but if it happens, that person needs understanding.

We give people in prison second chances, but people who cheat are put into their own prisons that are very hard to break free from because of the way cheating is viewed."

– E.H.

Ready to start resolving your infidelity situation in a way that's truly right for you?

I offer compassionate, confidential, non-judgmental coaching via Zoom. 

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"We have learned how to be really open and honest with each other in this process, and we're both absolutely happier and more fulfilled now than we ever were in our marriage before my affair."

"Marie challenged my thinking about everything surrounding my infidelity situation, such as long-held notions about right and wrong and what marriage is "supposed to" be, and pushed me to ask the difficult questions about what I REALLY want (and don't want) in my life (not just with regard to my marriage/affair partner but also more generally what I do and don't want from life).

Marie was completely non-judgmental, and never made me feel like a bad person for engaging in my affair, or for wanting to keep the experience of love with my affair partner, or for any of the myriad complicated feelings I was experiencing. 
Marie recognized that an affair can actually be VALUABLE. She recognized that there is value in new relationship energy; that an affair might be an expression of deeply-held needs/wants/desires and that it is, perhaps, not only okay to want to express these feelings, but at times maybe even necessary to live a complete human experience. 
Through working with Marie, I was able to be truly, truly honest with my husband for the first time in our long marriage about what I believed our marriage was and was not. I was able to express to him the benefits I got from my affair that I didn't get from our marriage - and I was able to express those things to him in a neutral, constructive way that really allowed us both to examine the true nature of our marriage.

We were ultimately able to realize what we valued about our relationship with each other and we discovered that we didn't want to throw out the baby with the bath water - that our marriage was/is actually really great and valuable to both of us - but we ALSO realized that we wanted to allow each other to explore love/emotional connections with others outside of our marriage. We have learned how to be really open and honest with each other in this process, and we're both absolutely happier and more fulfilled now than we ever were in our marriage before my affair. It's crazy to say that my affair saved my marriage, but it's absolutely true. 

Don't hesitate to work with Marie. She will challenge your thinking about infidelity in an incredibly powerful way. You will open your mind to contemplate what you really, truly do and don't want in your marriage/affair/life. It's big, big stuff and Marie will absolutely guide you, challenge you, and support you. Your thinking WILL change and evolve when you put in the work. I promise it's worth every single penny to work with Marie during this challenging (and sometimes dark) time in your life."

– H.H.

Black man sitting on the floor playing the guitar while his girlfriend sits on the couch behind him. They both look to be at peace.

"Marie helped me validate my own feelings, and helped me see that what I wanted didn’t have to be 'wrong.'"

"Marie talks a lot about the importance of being clear about what one wants. When I started working with Marie, the only thing that was clear for me, was I needed help!

My thinking was that my infidelity was wrong and I should conform to doing what was “right” – which, in my case, would have translated into ending my affair and recommitting to my marriage. But I just didn’t want to do that, even though I really WANTED to want to do that.

Marie helped me validate my own feelings, and helped me see that what I wanted didn’t have to be “wrong.” She helped me think about traditional rules and social expectations in a new way. She also taught me techniques that helped me gain clarity about what I wanted – and taught me how to use that clarity to find confidence in my choices.

I am sincerely grateful for all of her coaching, but perhaps especially the way she helped me deal with the heart-breaking feelings of loss I experienced when I chose to leave my 30-year marriage. My life still feels like an emotional rollercoaster ride sometimes, but now I can better deal with those feelings and live my life to the fullest."

– V.J.

"Everyone says they are non-judgmental, but she actually made me feel that she was that."

"For anyone who has committed infidelity and is paralyzed by guilt or other negative feelings, Marie can help you like most typical therapists or even relationship coaches cannot.

Everyone says they are non-judgmental, but she actually made me feel that she was that. Most people cannot avoid an approach to infidelity that is ultimately moralistic (even if they say it isn’t). Marie didn’t dispense with responsibility or accountability – not at all – but she was able to bring a phenomenological approach to infidelity which helped cut through all of the moralistic noise and help me find a way through the things that were troubling me.

She helped me get over the crippling guilt I felt about having an affair, and move forward in my relationship with the woman who was my affair partner – which is what I truly wanted to do. She helped me navigate my relationship with my ex-wife very successfully, and think through how I wanted to handle this family transition with my son."

– A.A.

Ready to resolve your infidelity situation in a way that's truly right for you? I can help you do it.

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"Marie was the first person to listen to my story without judgment."

Older, non-binary person receiving infidelity coaching via zoom

"Marie will see you in a way you’ve never been seen before. She will help you make sense of your experience of infidelity through the lens of curiosity, truth, and love.

Marie was the first person to listen to my story without judgment (after working with therapists and couple’s therapists who professed to be non-judgmental, but were anything but that). Because Marie was such a uniquely helpful partner in discovery and truth-seeking, I was able to understand the boundary-crossing I engaged in in a completely different way. I had hard conversations with my partner about my boundary-crossing, and talked with my partner about what needs to change in order for both of us to feel more secure.

My work with Marie led to a series of transformations that are ongoing, and I am so grateful for all of them. Working with Marie empowered me to live as my best, most expansive self."

– A.F.

"Even when I shared things I was deeply ashamed of, Dr. Murphy showed me unconditional respect."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that for me, finding Dr. Murphy was like finding a unicorn. I’ve struggled with infidelity for most of my life – I cheated on my very first romantic partner, and never stopped. I’d tried all sorts of things to get myself to quit cheating, but nothing worked. Dr. Murphy’s approach to helping me make the changes I wanted to make blew my mind.

She really understood all of me, in a way that no other professional ever has. In working with her, I felt seen and respected for being the person who I am – warts and all.

She helped me identify the reasons why I cheat, and helped me address the root causes of my cheating. Throughout our work together, even when I shared things I was deeply ashamed of, Dr. Murphy showed me unconditional respect.

Our work helped me make changes in my cheating habits, and I have been in a committed relationship for over a year – without cheating on this new partner. I’m delighted that I was able to make this change, and I’m pretty sure there’s no way I could have ever done this without Dr. Murphy’s help."

– Q.P.